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Free Characters

You’ll need a team of 4 to maximize gameplay. Fortunately, you can unlock characters for FREE by playing through the story!

Beyond these characters, there are a total 48+ characters and more on the way to mix and match the best team!

Basics of Combat

When fighting against opponents, it’s important to know the variety of moves you can do to inflict damage.

Normal Attack

Normal attacks are simple strikes, inflicting the least damage, but does the job.

Charged Attack

Charged attacks depend on the weapon type. Swords, Polearms, and Catalysts will strike a little harder than Normal attacks. Claymores with give repeated small DMG and Bow users will go into Aimed mode. For all weapons except Bow users, this is consume Stamina.

Plunge Attack

When in the sky, you can attack and plunge to the ground. More powerful than a Normal or Charged attack, all weapon types will rain down their respective weapon attack down on an enemy. But be careful heights, or you can receive fall damage.

Elemental Skill

Characters will attack with a small skill depending on their element. These attacks usually charge up over small times to be used again.

Elemental Burst

This will attack with a large elemental skill, but they can only charge up by attacking opponents.

Character Attributes

From Church Sister idol singers, enthusiastic funeral directors, fire-bending lawyers, and cat bartenders that want to destroy the wine industry. Each and every character have their own unique combination of combat ability and personality. Swell!


Your character has their levels. You have to raise said levels to raise combat stats. You do so with EXP books and materials found around the world. Get to my level, bro.


Weapons to choose from are Swords, Polearms (Spears), Claymores, Bows, and Catalysts (Magic-based users). Each have their strengths and weaknesses, so choose wisely and find a balance between each weapon.


Every character can hold artifacts, items that raise the characters’ stats. They can hold up to 5 types of artifacts at once:


When you pull the same character, you can use duplicates to power up the original’s Constellation, a 6-slot category that unlocks innate abilities that can aid in combat or other passive techniques.


Talents work similarly with Constellations, except it uses items obtainable in the game rather than using copies of the same character.

Team Building

To play in the most optimized and fun way, you have to know HOW to build a good team. But before you do, there are a few things you have to consider: character roles, Elemental Reactions, and Elemental Resonance.

Character Roles

There are 3 general types of characters you have on a team:

A typical team most players build is a Main DPS, 1-2 Sub DPS, and 1-2 Support teams. You don’t have to follow this strategy to a T, but this has been found to be the most optimal team arrangement.

Elemental Reactions

Elemental Reactions are when two elements mix together and create a damage bonus. Depending on how you build your team, the damage output from the Elemental Reactions can greatly help your attack power. Also, it feels good to pull off!

You can experiment on opponents with a variety of character elements to decide on your team.

Elemental Resonance

Depending on surplus of certain elemental characters present in your party, certain passive effects can come into play.

This doesn’t have to be in the forefront of your mind, but for optimizing certain strategies, this is good to keep in mind.

Size DOES Matter

You might realize not all characters’ heights are different, some short and some tall. You’d think height shouldn’t matter in gameplay, but it does!

Running Speeds

The taller you are, the wider the running strides. It’s by a small margin, but shorter characters run with less speed than the taller ones.


Major exceptions are Alternate Sprint characters (Ayaka and Mona) or Sayu’s Elemental Skill Yoohoo Art: Fuuin Dash.


In the same principle, shorter characters have a smaller distance and speed covered when scaling walls, unlike taller characters that cover more wall quicker.

You Do NOT Need to Follow a Strategy

…particularly this one. Many guides for this game might say, “Choose this character! He’s got the firepower!” or “This character’s Healing stat overpowers the previous character’s,” but in the end, the decision of which characters you use is entirely up to you!

You can choose a certain team based on their Elements or weapons only, or mainly because their character designs look amazing. I’m guilty of that 110%!

This is how my team is currently, but chances are, it’s far from ideal. Although I have the spread of 4 unique Elements and weapons, I use most of my characters as main DPSs, Kokomi as the only healer and part-time Sub DPS. I rely heavily on the Elemental Reactions the characters create with each other, so with any Element, I use any character that reacts well with the Element left behind by the previous character’s Element. According to a friend who is more knowledgeable about the game, my Artifacts are not the best-suited for my characters and “they work.. but you awcould do much more damage”.